Thursday 28 May 2009

A baby is born...

Assalaamu Alaykum all,

been a while since I last posted but have some excellent news, no not a real baby as such, but just as good as with us being able to welcome Brother Muhammad into the deen who said his shahadah with us on the Dawah Stall in the city centre we do.

Mashallah, we didn't even really need to talk him into it, he just saw our banner and said it was something he had been thinking about for a while and wanted to become a Muslim.

So we checked he believed in the 6 articles of faith, mashallah yes he did so we just went ahead and did the shahadah there and then on the stall, he then went home had a shower and when we had finished doing the stall for the day we went to meet him and spent a few hours teaching him a few basic things about salaah and seeing he was welcomed correctly into the local masjid.

Alhamdulillah, they were more than good, all the brothers giving him hugs, from the oldest of elders to the youngest of the madrassa kids, really was a boost to your imaan to see such brotherhood displayed as unfortunetely so many masaajid fall down in the responsibility towards new muslims.

He is getting lessons now most nights, and has an excellent memory, picking up the arabic very quickly and already wants to come out on the stall and help us call others to Islam, mashallah it is good to see someone so strong in the deen so quickly.

Now when someone embraces Islam, they are as sinless as baby, we don't believe in all that original sin crap the christians beat themselves up with, so bro Muhammad is now as sinless a new born child, all his sins wipes clean and gone.

We should all remember that whilst we are waiting to make hijrah enjoining the good and forbidding the evil in society are fard upon us, dawah is fard upon each according to our ability and public dawah is a fard kifiyyah responsibility upon us all that is not done anywhere near enough.

Some people think Dawah is difficult, ok it isn't easy but to give Dawah to a non-muslim is easy compared to a muslim, you don't need knowledge of usul fiqh or anything other than a basic knowledge of tawhid, Sheikh bin Baaz once said whomever knows Surah Ikhlas has enough knowledge to give dawah but yet most muslims in the west leave Dawah to mufti saab, but mufti saab usually never leaves the masjid so I guess that means dawah never gets done.

We all need to start taking our obligations to do Dawah seriously, just go and call your neighbours, work colleagues, fellow students, anyone and pretty soon you'll get the hang of it. You'll get asked questions you have never heard before but just have the courage to say politely I don't know but take their number and go find out for them.

Maybe if we all get busy enough the land we are living in right now might end up being Darul Islam, stranger things have happened in history.

So please all make Dua for brother Muhammad, that Allah swt keeps him strong and firm on the straight path, that he makes him successful in this life and more importantly the next and that he makes us all strong Da'ees firm upon his message of Tawheed to mankind, ameen.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

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