Tuesday 18 November 2008

Eire's Coastline and Countryside

Eire we Go, Eire we Go, Eire we Go!

Assalaamu Alaykum all,

We've made a decision to save up and make a mini Hijrah to Ireland as soon as we can get the money together, so instead of the big move we are making a little move first.

The reasons for this are...

1. It isn't at war with any Muslim country, therefore the verses of Surah an-Nisa do not apply, though hijrah to the muslim lands is still something we intend on doing later.

2. It is easy to do Dawah there, brothers who go on Dawah trips to Ireland tell me the people are much more open to discussion and debate about religion than the rest of Britain.

3. It is very simular to the UK so the culture shock won't be that great for us.

Now to do a Hijrah comparison profile as I have for other nations, (but not got around to posting yet).

How Easy is it to Practice the Deen and how practicing are the people there?
The Muslims are pretty much the same as the rest of the UK, dunya loving and the rest of the people are Catholic (mostly).

Whether Autopsy is allowed or not?
Autopsy laws pretty similar to the UK, i.e if the doctors order it then it has to take place and you can't stop it. However the practice is different with very few autopsies taking place unlike in the UK where it is so common.

How easy will it be to move to that land and how easy to get Citizenship?
As a British citizen I have full rights to move and reside in Eire, and with an Irish Grandfather could prospects of getting Irish citizenship should I choose to go down that route later on.
Moving there would simply be a matter of hiring a van and moving our things over via the ferry to Dublin and the cheap travel costs mean going over and checking the place out would be extremely easy.

What are the employment prospects like?
Good, pretty much same as rest of Britain and my qualifications are known and excepted there.

What are the medical facilities like for Citizens and Residents?
Good as the UK, full rights to medical care as an EU citizen.

What are the other Benefits like for Citizens and Residents?
Good, better benefits than the UK marginally and full rights to these should I lose my job.

What is the General Culture like there?
The Muslim community is similar to the UK, but Ireland itself is friendly and more open to new ideas than the rest of Britain.
Major issue is the amount people drink! This is a country that brews alcohol themselves from everything, even potatoes!

Environmental Factors?
Little land lost but very little compared to the UK (see pictures of Irelands rocky coast in next post) with global warming.
The land is also UNDER POPULATED, historically, Eire had 8million people in the 1800's and that is pre-oil so although there will be some fitnah when the oil runs out, the 6million people there now can hopefully survive without the need to resort to barbarism and canibalism.

General Stability?
Extremely stable government and society, though the same as anywhere else we don't know what is coming over the horizon in the future.

So that is Ireland / Eire, seems good enough for me to be going soon as I can so everyone make Du'a for us and that we are successful in this and keep reading the posts to find out more on how things are going and news on our intended bigger hijrah to the Muslim lands we intend on doing if we ever can.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

Monday 17 November 2008

Eire Update...

Assalaamu Alaykum,

just a quick update on Eire (Ireland).

I am looking at the info on wiki and it says it is actually under-populated. Historically, with traditional agricultural methods it supported over 8 million people, today it has just over 6 million (if you include N.Ireland as well) which means if the oil did run out and still stuck here at least we got a better chance of our kids not being eaten by the neighbours as enough land for everyone to grow food!

Its rocky coast means it will also suffer less from sea level rises than other parts of the UK, though we still don't know how the weather pattern will change as the global temperature rises.

Finally, land costs are historically lower in Eire than the rest of the UK due to massive migration from the country to the city and the elderly population are all that is left in many villages, meaning land prices have a lot of potential to drop even further.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

Mini Hijrah to Ireland

Assalaamu Alaykum,

Me and the family were thinking... Yes, as Muslims we should live amongst the believers, in the lands of Islam not the lands of disbelief but right now we are in a bigger pickle, that is living in a land at war with the Muslims.

This means the verses of Surah an-Nisa relating to Hijrah relate directly to us in our situation so we were thinking of going elsewhere in Darul kufr (the land of disbelief) other than Darul Harb (the lands of the people at war with Muslims).

This is actually a lot harder than it seems, most nations in the West are busy oppressing our brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world so we came up with the idea of a little mini hijrah to Ireland.

'Ireland? land of the short guys with little green hats that make nice sugary breakfast cereals?'

YES that Ireland, or Eire as they prefer to call it in Gaelic, their original language.

Eire doesn't seem to be at war with any Muslim nation or people right now, and have an official foreign policy of neutrality, i.e having been crapped on by the British for the past millennium they don't much hold with the idea of going to other people's land and taking their resources and giving them worthless crap and venereal diseases in return.

The other plus side is everyone speaks English, even in some of the far off villages where they still speak Gaelic, they still speak English also so no language barrier.

Also, they have a system of living simular to the rest of the British, so pretty much no big culture shocks (other than their habits of swearing and drinking even more than the British).

Finally... Although the law on autopies is pretty much the same as the rest of Britain, they don't actually carry out very many meaning the chances of being mutilated after death is much less.

Seems too good to be true, but there are already about 40,000 Muslims in Eire, about 1% of the population so we'll save up, go take a visit and let everyone else know what it is like so watch this space if you're interested in Hijrah and want somewhere to go right now whilst you prepare for the big one to the Muslim lands.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

Saturday 15 November 2008

Anwar al-Awlaki on Hijrah

Assalaamu Alaykum,

Here is a talk available online on the subject of making hijrah by Sheikh Anwar al-Awlaki. He is formally of America but has made Hijrah to Yemen.


Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

Monday 10 November 2008


Assalaamu alaykum,

Today and the past few days I have been getting very frustrated in my search for a place to make Hijrah to, too many obsticles so that at times it seems almost an impossibility.

I know however that Allah swt will give us a way, that he has made it an obligation on us and if it becomes a true impossibility he would forgive us our shortfalls.

But still, some of the even so called islamic countries, those with some asparations of calling themselves Muslim lands, Darul Islam, even if they fall short of that, what do we find there? Nationalistic laws that prevent Muslims from around the world gaining citizenship there and residing there.

Some of these places have many non-Muslims living there, having brought property but they prevent Muslims from living amongst them.

There are many other frustrations, the difficulties in finding work, the difficulties in people trying to rip you off even though they are muslim also! Subhanallah, so instead of finding the Ansar waiting to help us, we have rip off merchants waiting to take what little wealth we have.

Hijrah is not easy, but we have to make sacrifices, and inshallah we will get there or get the reward of the intention anyway if we are true to ourselves and true to Allah.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Two Step (or more) in making Hijrah

Assalaamu Alaykum,

A short post today, but my wife was saying to me last night, that our Hijrah might end up being in two or more steps so let me explain what we mean by that.

It is an obligation to leave the UK now, today if possible, as soon as the means and plans are done then go. But that doesn't mean where you go to is going to be perfect, or that is where you eventually want to end up.

Therefore, although I am applying for positions in the Gulf, in the long run I really don't see my future there. The oil is going, and with it will be the means to support the huge populations that have mushroomed there, and we know those who have no tribal link are likely to be first to be asked to leave.

So, therefore it might be good place to go to get out of the UK and earn some money, fulfilling the obligation of Hijrah away from Darul kufr whilst it is at war with the believers but as a long term destination I would want to live somewhere I can buy farm land and live my life in peace when the oil runs out without having to worry about whether the food is going to run out with the oil.

So my first step in the Hijrah is likely to be the gulf if i can find work there, the 2nd step is most likely to be somewhere poorer but closer to the agricultural base of civilisation, less over-populated, less prone to damage from oil crash.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

Saturday 1 November 2008


Assalaamu Alaykum,

for any non-Muslims reading this, peace be upon those who follow righteous guidance,


Seems simple enough, how do you start your journey for making Hijrah. I mean, I can't just go with no plans right? so I need a plan, after all the prophet Muhammad (saws) spent three years planning his Hijrah.

Also, the verses in the Quran talking of those excused being blameworthy for not making hijrah say,

Except the feeble among men, and the women, and the children, who are unable to devise a plan and are not shown a way.
Quran, Surah An-Nisa, verse 98

So the place to start my journey is planning it out, deciding where I am going to go, and making a plan for getting there.

Something that might help others wanting to make Hijrah is looking at the different aspects of each Muslim nation and deciding based upon a strict criteria of what is important where you want to go.

Here is my list of different things I will be comparing. I am not saying the list is perfect, or that it will be right for you even if it is right for me, but this is what me and the Mrs feel is important to us and might not be the same for you and your family (Brothers, remember to make shura with your family, don't just surprise them one day with air tickets for the next day).

1. How easy is it to practice the Deen there, how practicing are the other Muslims, and if there are any limits to practicing what are they?
Simple enough right? I mean - if we are making Hijrah for the sake of Allah then bit of a non-starter if going to end up in a place I will be locked up for praying Fajr in Jammah (and plenty of Muslim nations are like this).
Also, how far can you go in the deen? Can you talk to others and give Dawah and naseehah or are the authorities OK with you praying as long as you don't try to bother others and enjoin the good and forbid the evil in society?
Finally, how good is the community going to be around us when we make hijrah, after all it is a lot easier to practice if everyone else is also.

2. Whether Autopsy is allowed, or even compulsory, if is allowed then under what Circumstances?
Maybe it is just my family in particular, but we don't want our bodies to be cut up and messed around with after we die, it's a simple wish but even if I was murdered I don't think it would be worthwhile to go through having to feel my body cut up when I am dead just so they get a little bit extra chance of catching the killer.

3. How Easy is it to move to that land and how easy is it to get citizenship?
What you didn't know lots of Muslim countries put up all sorts of awful barriers to stop others moving there? Yeah I know it is not Islamic for them to do this, but they do so we have to work with the system we have got otherwise they are not going to let us in in the first place.
So how easy is it to go there, i.e visas etc and how easy is it to get citizenship later on?

That's because some countries will let you come work there, but you hit retirement age you are you kicked out. Seems harsh but that is what they do, so I need to know if I can get citizenship for myself and family or at least be left in peace and not thrown on the first UK bound flight when I hit my 65th birthday!

4. What are the employment prospects like there for me?
(or you if you are copying my list)
I am English, that means foreign language skills to me means just talking loudly and slowly in English, maybe using smaller words. Got me through life so far, but to be honest it is a little arrogant to assume everyone will speak English to me when I am going to live in their country so maybe I need to change this a little bit.
Certainly, I thought it would mean finding a job is more difficult so made it a must for me to learn Arabic before I went, as I'm not too sure where I'm going to make Hijrah to and at least if I know Arabic I have two languages I can speak slowly and loudly to people in not just one!
Actually, there are many jobs where you don't need to know the local lingo!

What really? I hear you say!

Yes, There are many jobs for international business and local business that do international business dealings also that need English speakers, some countries use English for all their business dealings, write all their documents in English, answer the phone in English, OK I might feel like a billy-no-mates at lunch hour but at least I will have better English than everyone else during work hours!

Second big problem I have is I don't have a degree...

I know many of you are wondering how I managed to get married without a degree, but it is only 90% of UK Muslim families that insist on the degree as a prerequisite to marriage, and alhamdulillah my in-laws are from the other 10% who don't happen to feel that a degree, professional job, house and car are all needed by the potential son-in-law before allowing their daughter to marry.

But still, no degree. Makes getting a decent job difficult. After all, even some office jobs in the middle east, stuff only idiots like me do in the UK ask for a degree or diploma at least.

So this is a major worry, I can find jobs though, but I think realistically I got to go for the poor paid ones as I don't have the letters after my name. What is more I left Uni after starting so that means no Grant at all, so it would cost me tens of thousands to go Uni now, and if I could afford that much then I could buy a plot of farm land somewhere and wouldn't need to be worrying about getting a good job so I can save up tens of thousands of pounds to buy a plot of land somewhere...

5. What are the medical facilities like for Citizens and Residents?
I am very much a 'tie your camal and put your trust in Allah' kind of Muslim. I like to know that if me or my family get ill then we can get at least some basic medical aid. That if I have an accident and my arm gets infected and goes green that at least they'll cut it off before it kills me and I won't have to do a DIY job at home with an electric saw.

Hope that hasn't made some of you sick, but we have to face realities and life without medical care is a pretty nasty reality to face.

So When I am looking at a country, I want to know what free, or at least very cheap half decent medical care is available, whether it is available for citizens only or for working residents also?

6. What are the other Benefits like for both Residents and Citizens?
I Don't want to sponge, but then again I would like to know what is there should I get sick or die. This Hijrah is for my family also, not just for me so if something happened to me would they be looked after or have to jump on the next available flight out of there and stuck back in the UK again because they can't afford to eat or have anywhere to live?

7. What is the General Culture Like There?
Not too important, but still when making a comparison between two countries, both good, then having a culture that is more friendly and open could swing it over one that isn't.

8. What is the Environment like and going to be Like?
For those who have been asleep for the past about 10-15 years, you need to realise that there is a global crisis, actually two.

The first is that the environment is heating up, the polar and mountain ice and snow is melting, the sea levels are rising and what is the point of me moving to example... the Maldives, if within 50-100 years my kids will have to leave again because it will be under water.

Also, higher temperatures mean weather patterns changing, places that have little water now might have lots then, those that have lots might have little. All Environmental factors have to be looked at to make sure our Hijrah is not something temporary for one generation only before my kids and their kids have to go elsewhere.

The second crisis is that oil is running out... What don't believe me?
Check out the following video which covers this as well as other topics relating to oil.


now you have seen it on TV (or at least seen a TV program on it) so therefore for most people that is proof it is true!

Still in doubt, look it up yourself, google 'peak oil'

The basic argument is this. Our entire civilisation is built on oil, without oil we cannot run our transportation, agriculture, etc, oil is a finite resourse, when oil runs out modern civilisation collapses.

So moving to a place that without oil could naturally support a population of 12 fishermen, but presently has a Million people living there might not be the best of plans.

9. General Stability
Meaning how likely is the nice pretty little country I am looking at to move me and my young family to likely to turn into a war zone, are there any serious tensions with the neighbours? any likely genocidal civil wars looking likely anytime soon?

Right, that is my list, hope you find it useful for your Hijrah plans. This is only the Start however, then we have to use our lists to look at each country and decide which is a best fit and then decide what we are going to do from there.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Peace be upon those who follow righteous guidance,

Abu Abdillah

PS. Here is the list again of Muslim nations from wiki for those who want to do their own looking.
