Monday 17 November 2008

Mini Hijrah to Ireland

Assalaamu Alaykum,

Me and the family were thinking... Yes, as Muslims we should live amongst the believers, in the lands of Islam not the lands of disbelief but right now we are in a bigger pickle, that is living in a land at war with the Muslims.

This means the verses of Surah an-Nisa relating to Hijrah relate directly to us in our situation so we were thinking of going elsewhere in Darul kufr (the land of disbelief) other than Darul Harb (the lands of the people at war with Muslims).

This is actually a lot harder than it seems, most nations in the West are busy oppressing our brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world so we came up with the idea of a little mini hijrah to Ireland.

'Ireland? land of the short guys with little green hats that make nice sugary breakfast cereals?'

YES that Ireland, or Eire as they prefer to call it in Gaelic, their original language.

Eire doesn't seem to be at war with any Muslim nation or people right now, and have an official foreign policy of neutrality, i.e having been crapped on by the British for the past millennium they don't much hold with the idea of going to other people's land and taking their resources and giving them worthless crap and venereal diseases in return.

The other plus side is everyone speaks English, even in some of the far off villages where they still speak Gaelic, they still speak English also so no language barrier.

Also, they have a system of living simular to the rest of the British, so pretty much no big culture shocks (other than their habits of swearing and drinking even more than the British).

Finally... Although the law on autopies is pretty much the same as the rest of Britain, they don't actually carry out very many meaning the chances of being mutilated after death is much less.

Seems too good to be true, but there are already about 40,000 Muslims in Eire, about 1% of the population so we'll save up, go take a visit and let everyone else know what it is like so watch this space if you're interested in Hijrah and want somewhere to go right now whilst you prepare for the big one to the Muslim lands.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah


steve said...

look out Ireland , A wave of retardation and trainee suicide bombers is heading your way. Now is the time to turn this riff raff back at the borders.

Unknown said...

Hi brother, what is your contact details.. Very interested in what you said