Monday 10 November 2008


Assalaamu alaykum,

Today and the past few days I have been getting very frustrated in my search for a place to make Hijrah to, too many obsticles so that at times it seems almost an impossibility.

I know however that Allah swt will give us a way, that he has made it an obligation on us and if it becomes a true impossibility he would forgive us our shortfalls.

But still, some of the even so called islamic countries, those with some asparations of calling themselves Muslim lands, Darul Islam, even if they fall short of that, what do we find there? Nationalistic laws that prevent Muslims from around the world gaining citizenship there and residing there.

Some of these places have many non-Muslims living there, having brought property but they prevent Muslims from living amongst them.

There are many other frustrations, the difficulties in finding work, the difficulties in people trying to rip you off even though they are muslim also! Subhanallah, so instead of finding the Ansar waiting to help us, we have rip off merchants waiting to take what little wealth we have.

Hijrah is not easy, but we have to make sacrifices, and inshallah we will get there or get the reward of the intention anyway if we are true to ourselves and true to Allah.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

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