Thursday 11 June 2009

Acceptance on TESOL CELTA!

Assalaamu Alaykum all,

Had some excellent news today alhamdulillah, I've been accepted onto the TESOL Celta course at my local college to do a years course to learn to teach English as a 2nd language.

The course looks excellent, 2-3 hours observing classes and teaching a week and 2 hours teaching theory. Some Tesol and Tefl (interchangeable course just about) only teach you the theory, or have very little practice on real students or are crammed into a short space of time.

So inshallah this time next year I will be fully qualified English instructor and on my way to somewhere I can here the Azhaan five times a day to teach English and where I don't need to be worried whether I am going to be the next brother doing Da'wah work to be picked up and locked up on false charges.

I will keep you all informed on how the course goes, but here is a hint for you all in case anyone else is applying, the grammar test was the hardest exam I have ever done, far beyond GCSE and A-Level, so swot for the exams like you've never swotted before for an English exam!

Going to be doing a lot of studying this year, with my OU Social Sciences course, my TESOL and of-course my never ending quest to learn arabic! Inshallah I can keep up with it all but if not then other committments will have to be dropped as inshallah nothing is going to come in my way of learning the skills I need to make sure me and my family can do Hijrah.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah


Anonymous said...

Assalamalaikum Akhi!

Insha'allah, I hope this message finds you and your family safe and well.

I enjoy your website and it is a wealth of great info.

I am in the U.S. and I also want to make hijrah.

Can you provide me with the website for TESOL?

Insha'llah, I hope to hear from you.



Abu Abdillah said...

wa alaykumus salaam wa rahmatullah,

i can give you the website of the college i am going to but isnt much use for you as its near me so is obviously quite far from you.

Abu Abdillah

The TEFL Tradesman said...

I sincerely hope that you enjoy yourself in the land of the five azhaani. Perhaps you might decide to stay there? The fewer religious zealots in the UK, the better, I reckon!

Abu Abdillah said...

hmm... you don't much bother going in for learning other languages for someone who makes it their trade do you?

Hijrah means migration for good, to go settle in another land for the sake of Allah.

I don't consider myself a zealot or an extremist but if you wanted to name me a fundementalist I wouldn't be insulted as I try to stick to the fundementals as best I can.

One last point, all things going well I'll be out of here in a couple of years, over the past two years I have helped 4 people embrace Islam personally and know several more who I have spoken to who have gone on to embrace Islam at the hands of others.

Of all of these, I know of quite a few more they have then got to embrace Islam, so even if I should leave others will be continuing the good work here in the UK.

Abu Abdillah

The TEFL Tradesman said...
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The TEFL Tradesman said...

Hmm, and for somebody who claims to be an English teacher, you're a bit lacking in the spelling, syntax and grammar department, mate. But don't worry - Allah will help you out, I'm sure.

Actually, Abu, I do speak two foreign languages to a high standard, and a couple of others I can get by in. Arabic, being a rather redundant and superfluous language where I live, is not one of them though.

Enjoy your hols!

Abu Abdillah said...

well this is a blog, therefore lazy english is a norm here.

and though arabic may be redundant where you are, most likely it will not be with the rate islam is growing worldwide.

Anonymous said...

May Allah help you on this.

Anonymous said...


Brother umar, where are u now?

A. Mallatei