Sunday 27 September 2009

Mohammed is most popular name for baby boys in London

Assalaamu Alaykum all,

Some of the kuf newspapers were going mental over the following Story,

Mohammed is most popular name for baby boys in London

I've linked it to the Daily Telegraph version as although it is a right wing newspaper, it tends to explain things better, using more than four and five letter words, unlike the Sun, Star or Mail.

The story is basically this... In London, the West Midlands and Yorkshire, the number one boys name is Muhammad (if you count all the different spellings of the name) and that the 3rd of the boys born in the whole of the British Isles in the last year were named after our beloved Prophet (saws).

This backs up some ideas I have had when seeing the maternity units for the birth of my children, where it seems a much larger proportion than you would expect of expectant mothers are Muslim.

This is not surprising for us as Muslims, after all Rasoolullah (saws) told us to have large families to increase the size of the Ummah but it is a shock for the kuffar who just see themselves being swamped by an army of small brown babies, taking over their towns and cities.

To a certain extent this is true, we are out breeding them and out converting them with several thousand people embracing Islam per year and Muslim families having around about four Children per couple, as opposed to the national average of 1.9 per couple.

But we also know that quantity isn't that great if the quality is lacking. If many of the little Muhammad's and Abdullah's are ending up as Drug dealers and pimps, or even worse working as bankers and policemen then the numbers don't count for anything.

This is why wherever we are, whether here in the UK, elsewhere in the West, or in a Muslim land, it is massively important we never EVER give up giving Da'wah, it being such a big part of our deen to call people to Allah.

When we all engage in such activities, calling each other to Allah, improving this Ummah, that is when you see not only the quality increase but the quantity to Inshallah.

When that happens then this country will be a true Muslim nation, but until that time it will remain an obligation for us to leave whilst ever we can and stop supporting the kuffar with our numbers and wealth in their wars against Islam.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

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