Monday 23 November 2009

Takfir, Ignorance, and Aiding the Kuffar

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem

All Praise and All Thanks are for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to whom we shall all return to be judged on The Last Day.

"From each and every direction He has the power to deliver misfortune to you - to sow confusion and dissension among you. Thus do We reveal our Signs, that you might understand them." 6:65 Interpretation of Meaning

What is Takfir?

Takfir is declaring an individual, previously known to be or considered to be Muslim, to be a kaffir, an unbeliever. Takfir can also be declared upon a group. Thus, the individual or group are no longer part of the Ummah.

Caution Regarding Takfir:

Takfir is a serious issue, since it was authentically reported that the Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:

"If someone accuses someone of Fusuq or Kufr, such an accusation will be returned to be upon he [who so accused] if that accusation is false." Narrated Abu Dhar. Bukhari: Vol 8, Book 73, number 71

Thus, for such a declaration, there must be proof. According to Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah (Rahimullah):

"The person will only be outside Islam when there is no doubt because there is proof against him." [Majamu Al-Fatwa 12, 467.]

Furthermore, for a Muslim to become a kaffir, it is agreed that the person either commits one of the acts which expels the Muslim from the Ummah - such as mocking the Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) - or that the person must have chosen kufr (refer to al-Qurtubi: al-Jamia li Ahkamul Quran, 7/6128) in which case if a Muslim of little or no knowledge does something out of ignorance then that Muslim does not become a kaffir, for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

"There shall be the Mercy of Allah upon those who err from ignorance if they, and swiftly, regret such error." 4:17 Interpretation of Meaning

Thus, if a Muslim we know makes some mistake, or errs, then Adab Al-Islam requires us - gently and with humility (and if possible in private) - to draw the attention of that Muslim to such a mistake or error. It was reported that the Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:

"There is no Believer who does not make an error sometimes, or who does not make some mistake which they persist in and do not abandon until they leave this world. For, in truth, the Believer was created to be frequently tried and tested: someone who often regrets (then) forgets, again. But when corrected, they correct themselves." Reported by at-Tabarani in al-Mujamul Kabir (no. 11,810); hasan.

Issues Regarding Takfir - Aiding the Kuffar:

1) For takfir to be declared, the nullifiers of Islam must be known. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

"Allah does not lead a people astray after His guidance has been given until He makes clear to them wherein error lies." 9: 115 Interpretation of Meaning

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab - Rahimahullah - gathered ten actions that negate one's Islam (Nawaqid ul-Ashr), the eighth one of which states: "Assisting the disbelievers (against the believers) (Mudhaharatul Mushrikeen) and supporting them against the believers is one of the actions that negates of one's Islam..." Thus, it is generally and widely known that one of these nullifiers of one's Islam is supporting, aiding or allying with the kuffar against the Muslims. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

"Obey, follow and give allegiance only to that brought to you from your Sustainer, and do not obey, nor follow nor give allegiance to those who are Awliya' besides Him." 7:3 Interpretation of Meaning

"You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, making friendship with and loving those who oppose Allah and His Messenger (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam), even if they are their fathers or their sons or their kindred..." 58:22 Interpretation of the meaning

In addition, as Sheikh Abdullah ibn Humaid said:

"Whoever expresses Tawalli towards the disbelievers (Tawalli Kuffar) and supports and helps them against the believers, then such constitutes apostasy by one's (proceeding) actions. It is obligatory to apply the rules of apostasy upon such a person as is proved by The Book, the Sunnah and the consensus of the scholars." Ad-Durrar 15/479

Furthermore, Sheikh Abdul Latif bin Abdur Rahman bin Hassan Aal-Sheikh said:

"Whomsoever helps the disbelievers or brings them to the country of Ahl Al-Islam, then that person is clearly an apostate." Ad-Durrar 8/326

Also, as Sheikh Safar bin 'Abdir-Rahmaan al-Hawaali said:

"Aiding the Non-Muslims over Muslims - no matter which form of aid or co-operation it be, even if it is merely in speech - this is clear Kufr and sheer hypocrisy. The one who does this has perpetrated one of the actions which negates Islam, as has been specifically stated by the Imams of the Dawah and others, and such a person is not a believer in the Aqeedah of al-Wala and al-Bara."

Thus, we should be in no doubt that if a Muslim chooses to aid, ally themselves with, the kuffar against the Muslims then they have negated their Islam.

2) Since we judge someone by what is apparent, it is apparent that if a Muslim joins the Armed Forces or the Police of the kuffar, and wears the uniform of the kuffar, then they have sworn allegiance to the kuffar and/or to some Taghut of the kuffar - such as a President, some nation-State, or some kaffir leader - since such allegiance is a necessary part of joining and belonging to such kaffir organizations. In addition, a Muslim pledges thereby to uphold the fallible manufactured laws of the kuffar and to obey the kuffar.

Thus, by doing such things the person in question has made a knowing and willing choice, for they know and accept that such kaffir organizations have aided and do aid the kuffar over and above Muslims; that they place and value kaffir manufactured laws above Shariah, and have imprisoned Muslims, invaded and occupied Muslim lands; killed and tortured and humiliated Muslims. Furthermore, for a Muslim, allegiance, submission and obedience can only be to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, for that is Eeman, which is manifest by:

"Those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, who are steadfast, and who strive with their wealth and their lives for the Way of Allah." 49:15 Interpretation of Meaning

However, instead of only striving for the Way of Allah, to raise the Word of Allah, those individuals who ally themselves with the kuffar are striving in the way of the kuffar, for the Taghut of the kuffar, in order to establish the Taghut of the kuffar - such as "democracy" and the nation-State and the implementation of manufactured kaffir laws in place of Shariah. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

"Allah is the Wali of those who believe: from darkness, He leads them into the light, while those do not believe have, as their Wali, their Taghut so that they are led from light into darkness. For them, there is the Fire, where they shall dwell forever." 2: 257 Interpretation of Meaning

"Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut. So therefore fight against those friends of Shaitaan." 4: 76 Interpretation of Meaning

"Their way is to refer matters to a Taghut. " 4:60 Interpretation of Meaning

3) Thus, we can state that takfir can - and should - be made upon those who have given their allegiance to the organizations of the kuffar, for these organizations are based upon Tawagheet and are striving through force, or persuasion, or both, to have people submit to such Tawagheet, just as such organizations demand loyalty to such Tawagheet, judge by such Tawagheet, and just as they are striving against Deen Al-Islam and Muslims who, in obedience to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, refuse to bow down to and accept such Tawagheet.

"The words of your Rabb are complete, perfect - manifesting truth, justice, and nothing shall ever abrogate them." 6:115 Interpretation of Meaning

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala protect us from all forms of Al-asabiyyah Al-Jahiliyyah, forgive us for our mistakes, and guide us to and keep us on the Right Path.

Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt
1 Safar 1428

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