Monday 26 January 2009

All quiet on the home front...

Assalaamu alaykum all,

As the title suggests, all things are quiet at the moment.

So I am still keeping an eye out for jobs overseas, still looking for that way out and in the mean time keeping up the Arabic as best I can in the hope that one day I will get out of here Inshallah.

Some news is we have blitzed the house, well when I say we I mean the Mrs with me deputising and making myself useful watching the kids whilst she turns the family home upside down for a few days.

So we have got rid of bags and bags of clothes, books, pictures, everything that was not used, not needed has gone to Islamic relief or other charity shops.

Sometimes the house seems quite bare, but in reality it puts us one step closer to Hijrah, one more preparation done, and helps us live a simple life closer to that of Rasoolullah (saws).

So those wishing to make hijrah could perhaps make this step themselves as a start, go through all your clothes, if you've not worn it in the past few months then out it goes, if you don't really need it then out it goes.

Same with books, those ones you have read once or twice and are likely never to read again, get rid of them. If they are dodgy then bin them, if any good then give to an Islamic charity to sell on again so someone else can benefit.

Also, do you really need all of those Quran ayats, pictures of medina hanging around the house? You might feel these make the house feel more Islamic but in reality what makes a house islamic is living simply as best we can according to the Sunnah.

Finally jazakallah khairan for those who have posted comments, sometimes it is difficult to keep going with something like this and comments really help keep us in touch with the readers and lets us know what you think and what you feel.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

1 comment:

Hamza said...

Mashallah akhi, great blog, i think the idea of home schooling is great mashallah and your son seems to enjoy it aswell. I think children learn better from their parents then they can from teachers because they'll feel more comfortable :D. I wasn't home schooled, i wen't nursery, i remember my mum used to tell me how i used to cry when she used to drop me there.

Btw im brother nebula from LI.