Monday 26 January 2009

Home Schooling... is there really any other choice in the West?

Assalaamu Alaykum brothers and sisters,

There was one thing I thought I could bring up with the readers as most of us are living in the West, which is Home Schooling, and as believers do we have any other choice whilst we are still in the West?

Anyone who is a realist will also know that the school system in the Muslim lands are perhaps not as good as we would like them to be for when we get over there and it comes to the time we need to enroll our little precious sprouts in the local school.

These schools are often just poor imitations of the West in the way of educating the young, instilling secular mindsets and ideas along with a few lessons a week on the Quran and what the government there considers to be Islam.

Many countries will not even allow 'foreign' children into school anyway, so it might not even be possible to send your kids to a good school even if you can find a good one.

The alternatives are therefore prohibitively expensive private schools or home schooling once we have made hijrah.

So home schooling is something good to get into now, not to wait until we make the move.

But to get back to the UK and the West, we all know families where the kids are messed up, I mean seriously messed up and far from the deen of Allah. Maybe you even come from such a family and started practicing later.

But it is a sobering experience when you are sat in a lecture in a local state school, as they've hired the room for the evening and all over the desk is graffiti such as who Maryam is ****ing this weekend or whom Abdullah wants to ****.

Most Muslims know this stuff goes off, and is getting worse as they went to such schools themselves, but when it comes to sending the ones they should want to protect most they suffer collective amnesia and send them into this den of fitnah and shirk.

I mean really, if you wanted to design a system that was most likely to tempt muslim children towards hardcore pornography, bf /gf relationships, smoking, alcohol and drugs, as well as being subjected to daily brainwashing in secular thinking and ideas than I think it would be possible to come up with a system that did this better than schooling in the West.

I mean, lets be honest here, the ulema are clear it is not even halal to mix with the opposite gender for the purposes of dunya education, but the very people who are often strictest in not allowing their wives and daughters to come to talks and lectures to learn about the deen are almost always sending their daughters to mixed education. So they forbid the halal and enjoin the haram which is a trait of the munafiq.

The hopeless optimism of people amazes me, that they believe they can send their children into a process that is aimed at instilling the ideas and thoughts of the secular kufr west into young impressionable minds, leave them there for 8 hours of their waking day and hope that they can undo that damage with an hour or two of Quran lessons and maybe an hour with the parents in the evening before bed is just strange.

Muslims in the West have however swallowed the very concept of doing this, they don't even think of it as something strange, it is something normal to them and the one who chooses not to is seen as the strange one.

Alhamdulillah I am happy to be the stranger in this matter, this is something to be pleased about but in case those reading this don't yet know it there is another alternative to the secular system other than the so called islamic schools which lets face it are either poor in the teachings, misguided in the aqeedah or manhaj or prohibitively expensive.

I will inshallah return to the subject of home education again the future but feel this is a good introduction for you all, but to get you going here is a link to IHSAN, the Islamic home schooling network.

Assalaamu alaykum,
Abu Abdillah


Abu Abdillah said...

assalaamu alaykum ifikhar,

although i understand your concerns, the way you express them is some what alarming.

lets take one of your statements, that every native child is born with the seed of racism. apart from being extremely offensive to any reverts or non muslims reading this, it is also islamically incorrect.

every child is born upon the fitrah, but their parents raise them as something else.

a 2nd criticism of your post would be to simply point out that a demand for bilingual schools is already too late as most of the muslim youth today speak english as a first language.

3rdly, to say no muslim should be taught in the same environment as a kaffir is to deny the good da'wah opportunities that a good islamic school can give, this is isolationist, the 'evil twin' of assimilation.

4thly, your demand is wholely unrealistic and is never going to happen in the present political climate.

Finally, i do not agree with the idea you are promoting as it would in effect promote more of the same, the same style of teaching, teaching of the same matters and methods of thinking which has got us into this problem in the first place.

assalaamu alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaikum wr wb,

The problem for Muslim parents in the West about the education of their children is a huge problem. Akhi you already have the intention to make hijrah. make sure you do it before your kids reach school age!
There are not many options in hijrah lands either, apart from home schooling. In Yemen there are some good schools available which run on Islamic principles.
I pray to Allah that He makes it easy for you and opens a good door to hijrah fi sabilihi.

Wa salam

Anonymous said...

asalamalykum brother, wow i lke your posts, you seem to hold a lot of my views. on Home Schooling and Hijra.
The site is there but has to be worked on

and for homeschooling go to or read john holts books.

Oh and the thing about oil running out. The worst place to be is in a western metropolis, then a non western metropolis, then a large empty place next to a large metropolis. So basically you want vast lands far away from huge cities and towns. Kazakhstan -more towards turkey than china, Canada - away from us border. Oman, only 2 million in a place twice as big as the UK