Thursday 5 March 2009

What to do whilst waiting for Hijrah?

Assalaamu Alaykum,

Sometimes it seems so frustrating, we want to leave, want to leave these lands, these corrupt people, a people who are at war with the muslims all over the world and just by being here I am adding to their numbers.

But actually doing it is much more difficult, especially if you have a young family like mine, if I was single it would be easy but I am not so it isn't!

So we have to work towards that day, that blessed day when Allah will let us leave and join the Muslims so we are learning arabic, but not only that we are starting to learn to be a little more self-sufficient.

So we have had massive clear outs, getting rid of lots of old books, toys, furniture, everything really that we didn't need. And clothes... if you haven't worn it in the past few months, then in reality you don't need it and get rid of it.

Something else I have started in growing my own food, not all of it as that would require quite a bit of land but at least I can grow some of it so when the oil crash does come or if I do ever get enough money to buy my farm somewhere then at least I will have an idea how to grow food and not die straight away along with my family.

So just start simple, get a few tubs and hanging baskets, whatever your garden will take and start planting stuff, experiment and soon enough you'll get the idea of it and be on your way to making yourself a little more independent, especially as that independence comes at the expense of the kuffar economy and any money you save puts you that little bit closer to hijrah.

Will inshallah get you all some pics of my plants soon, take care and keep making Du'a that Allah swt will help us leave soon.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salaam, bro I am impressed with your sincere effort to make hijrah. I too would like to make hijrah. May Allah help us in our struggles. And we do know of the hadith that hijrah will erase our previous sins.