Monday 14 September 2009

An observation on the UK

Assalaamu Alaykum all,

It's strange but as I continue to make plans to make Hijrah, the UK is becoming more and more closer to Islam.

The Da'wah stalls here in my home town more often than not gets a shahadah or two each month, sometimes each week and there are more and more reverts you see in the masaajid and in the community at large.

I am presently working as a HR Administrator and so have to screen application forms, and you can see the huge numbers of reverts with Muslim first names and native second names, like Yasmin Smith or Abdullah Brown (made up examples, not real people as far as I am aware). These reverts are making up about one in twenty of the younger people applying for the company I work for.

When the right wing nutcases tried recently to protest at the building of a Masjid in Harrow, London, over 2000 young brothers turned up to defend the Masjid and fight if necessary to defend Islam.

Subhanallah, think about that... Could we imagine such scenes only a few years ago? No, it is almost unimaginable and shows that Islam is coming back around the world. Look at the black Shahadah banner flying from the lines of the Muslims, doesn't it fill your heart with Imaan to see such scenes?

In Birmingham, Luton, and all over London, whenever the kuffar have been able to muster a hundred or so skin heads and football hooligans to cause trouble and try to attack the Muslims, the Muslims have stood up and fought back.

Another thing you will see is increasing numbers of brothers forgetting the cultural jahiliyyah of their parents and embracing Islam in a much fuller more comprehensive fashion, their mothers and aunties may cry out "how will you find a wife with that big beard on your face?"

But the brothers respond, "if the sister is bothered by this, I wouldn't want to marry her anyway."

The sisters the same, 20 years ago only a small minority wore hijab, now the majority do and a large number of them are wearing the Niqab also mashallah and showing Islam on the outside.

Both brothers and sisters are forgetting the cultural weddings and the masaajid are getting requests to hold weddings and walimas in the masjid, a small affair for the Muslims not the huge jahil weddings with the bollywood and free-mixing. Yes the good weddings are still in a minority but the community is changing, and it is changing for the better every year, every month it seems you see some new sign of Islam in the community.

Islam is both inner and outer and yes I know many of these newly practicing brothers and sisters are lacking in adhab and sometimes a little hizbi in their mentality but still lets make the 70 excuses for them required in our deen, many of them are only new to practicing so lets kindly advise them and help them inshallah to a better, fuller appreciation of our deen, many of us were in their position not long ago.

Yes, Islam is coming back, with the Kuffar on the back foot in their war against Islam, openly admitting they are losing the War in Afghanistan but still whilst the fight is on we are obliged to leave this land and migrate to one where we are able to help the deen without having to worry about the midnight knock on the door.

Look at this kuf soldier, he is crying. He is crying not because he is making Tawbah to Allah like we do, especially during this month of Ramadhan, but out of the 'shock and awe' of seeing the Muslims slaughter his comrades in arms, they are fighting for narrow nationalistic concerns, money and career and for their democracy and other kufr ideals but yet they are afraid to die and do hate to lose. Where as for the Muslims who fight in the correct cause, we either win the battle or are shaheed, we win or we win. There is no loss for the Muslims.

Despite all this my intention for Hijrah remains firm, if the troops of this country are still occupying the Muslim lands and the government supporting the kufr their I cannot remain here and keep increasing the numbers of this land, every £ I give in tax helps them where as at least if I was out of this land then this wouldn't be the case.

The law here has still not changed in regards to autopsies, so I still don't want my wife, children or indeed myself being cut up and dissected upon our deaths, feeling each cut like we were alive.

And the environmental and economic disasters are still likely to be coming soon, soon it will not even be possible to leave when the oil prices start to rise to such rates that only the very rich can fly.

So yes we are still leaving, despite all the good signs of the Islamic revival in the UK but whilst ever we are here then we will continue to work to establish Islam, just as we would wherever we were living and who knows, maybe we'll just end up doing enough to bring this country to Islam as a whole system and we can end up stopping here anyway and we'll get the reward of the one who does Hijrah for our intention and the reward of the one who does Da'wah and establishes the deen.

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah


Abid-UK said...

السلام علیکم
Akhi. Hope you're well. I came across this blog which is very useful MAshallah.
I was wondering if you could get in touch with me as I need a bit of advice regarding Hijra.

Abid-UK said...

السلام علیکم
Akhi. Hope you're well. I came across this blog which is very useful MAshallah.
I was wondering if you could get in touch with me as I need a bit of advice regarding Hijra.