Assalaamu Alaykum brothers and sisters,
Here is another country Hijrah profile, though with a little twist this time...
Lets face it any of us who attempted to move to Afghanistan to make Hijrah there today would be assumed to be militant whether we were or not and locked up at Bagram airbase, tortured, sodomised and raped until we confessed to whatever they wanted us to say.
So let us assume this is a Hijrah profile of Afghanistan in a few years after the crusaders have been expelled and the rule of the Taliban has returned pretty much as it was before with them trying their best to rule according to the Quran and Sunnah.
Going to Afghanistan today is very difficult for single brothers and next to impossible for families and unless you have land / family support there it is pretty pointless now anyway as you would be a burden on the people not helping them.
For those wanting to try you need to go to South Eastern Iran and pay the people smugglers to get you over the border but sometimes they sell people out and you end up being passed onto NATO. The other route is nearly as dangerous as you must travel first to the Tribal territories in Pakistan and convince one of the Pakistan Taliban factions that you should be allowed to pass so either route is not recommended until such a time as things settle down in Afghanistan.
After those points which needed to be made here is the Afghanistan Country profile, as usual comments and feedback appreciated.
1. How easy is it to practice the deen, and to what level, how practicing are the people there.
Very easy with little interference, as long as you are don't annoy tribal codes of honour you are OK.
The cities have practicing and non-practicing Muslims but the rulers keep the non-practicing ones in line. The countryside is more practicing but in a more traditional way with Sufi traditions (both the shirk and non shirk types) and other jahil traditions that have nothing to do with Islam.
Deobandiyyah is very strong here, with the Brailwee tradition also present, the Ahle hadith seem to be absent totally but the leadership of the state are from Ahlus Sunnah even if almost all of the people are ignorant of what Ahlus Sunnah is (See article - Are the Taliban from Ahlus Sunnah?)
2. Whether Autopsy is allowed or not, what are the circumstances Autopsies are carries out.
No Autopsies allowed at all.
3. How easy is to move to that land and how easy or difficult is it to acquire citizenship.
Difficult to get to given international politics but possible. Once there any practicing Muslim is allowed to stay, making Hijrah to this land is encouraged by the government with guest houses in the capital and other major cities for Muhajaroon.
Despite what some people think it is not necessary to be a Mujahid to move here and others are encouraged to come also to setup Schools, Hospitals and held build other infrastructure.
4. What are the employment prospects for someone who is a non-native language speaker and doesn’t have a degree.
Not so good, unless you can find a job working for one of the allowed aid agencies who work with the government.
The Mujahideen are given a basic wage here and there are Islamic schools being setup by Arabs but they really want to teach Arabic to the kids not English.
If you have some skills like medicine or teaching or engineering it should be possible to find some work but like everyone else here you are going to be living very simply indeed.
5. What are the medical facilities like for both residents and citizens.
Medical facilities are very basic, almost non-existent other than the charitable sector and most people are forced to travel to Pakistan for private treatment if something serious.
6. What are the other benefits like for both residents and citizens.
If you are out of work you can get work they will pay you to big roads and other manual labour but no free rides here.
7. What is the general culture like there.
The general culture is good, with a strong Islamic theme running through the culture and the people being very friendly and hospitable towards outsiders.
There are some Jahil traditions such as forced marriages and wife beating but these are being addressed through the Imams and Masaajid as part of official government policy.
But most families are doing the best they can to practice Islam as they understand it under very difficult conditions.
8. What is the environment like, i.e what is the sea level rise with global warming going to do the coast line, what other natural resources are present in the case of the oil crash.
There has been widespread deforestation in the mountains which is causing soil erosion and global warming will result in less reliable water sources from the Mountains as higher temperatures will cause snow to melt earlier in the year so not supplying an all year water supply as before.
But Afghanistan if it gets its act together does have enough land and resources to convert itself to a medieval technology level agrarian society with the necessary infrastructure as it is not much above that now.
9. General stability. How stable is the nation, are civil wars or state-v-state wars likely in the future.
General stability within the country is good, though everyone is armed to the teeth and there is a war in the north with the Brailwee / Sufi / Shi'a / Secularist northern alliance.
The main threats are external as the US / UK and the rest of the West hate to allow anyone to rule by Islam and show an alternative system but as the world economy runs down with global warming and the oil running low then this should decrease.
The Afghanistan of the future when NATO leaves will be good for Hijrah, but we must unfortunately wait and see if it can happen.
What is certain is that even if they leave the West will remain determined not to allow the Muslims to succeed in building an Islamic state which will show up the evils of their own system so expect difficulties moving from your own lands to there.
Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah
Hijra is very important though some people don't take it seriously and thus fall into the trap of comfortable life in the West; it is benefits, and the government take cares of you. We should not be like that; Afghans who are Pashtuns, must make hijra to Afghanistan and help in any way they can. Pashtuns must unite under the banner of Shahada and establish sunnah of Mohammad p.b.u.h. This is the ultimate success not chasing this life.
Hijra is very important though some people don't take it seriously and thus fall into the trap of comfortable life in the West; it is benefits, and the government take cares of you. We should not be like that; Afghans who are Pashtuns, must make hijra to Afghanistan and help in any way they can. Pashtuns must unite under the banner of Shahada and establish sunnah of Mohammad p.b.u.h. This is the ultimate success not chasing this life. (Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan 2010)
Salamu aleikum warahmatullah
First of all, the NATO in Afghanistan will leave the country one day; sooner or later they will be driven like dogs as those who came before them. So any Afghan and in this case the Pashtun who will expel them, should not feel a sense of pride nor being better than others but must establish his prayers on time and then get the Islamic Emirate back on track. Life was much better under the Taliban than under the Kuffar who live by three words: SEX, BEER and FOOTBALL.
The most unfortunate thing about the Taliban was: First - PAKISTANI connection with ISI, Second - being taught by the Deobandis branch of Islam. However, what was missing from the Taliban movement was the Kunar reality - Manhaj of Salafia. Those ignorant Afghans such as Sufis and others Hanafis who follow their mathhab wrongly will accuse anyone who practise the Sunnah properly of being a Wahhabi; it is a thing of the future as the British invented it in British India.
Readers should not take me as an enemy of the Hanafis but must realize that Abdul-Wahhab (rahimahullah) was the only man who saved the Tawheed and destroyed the shirk acts in Saudi Arabia.
So these Neo-cons and one-day-church worshippers will abandon Afghanistan but before they will do 3 things: One - to build many bases in Afghanistan. Two - get the Afghan natural resources including Helmand's opium drugs under their watchful eye. Three - divide Afghanistan.
So wake up! You don;t need nuclear weapons or money against Thomas Barnett's war titled "Pentagon's New Map". What you really need is Tawheed, Manhaj of the Salaf and last but not least - the patience and trust in Allah the Most High
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Salamu aleikum warahmatullah
First of all, the NATO in Afghanistan will leave the country one day; sooner or later they will be driven like dogs as those who came before them. So any Afghan and in this case the Pashtun who will expel them, should not feel a sense of pride nor being better than others but must establish his prayers on time and then get the Islamic Emirate back on track. Life was much better under the Taliban than under the Kuffar who live by three words: SEX, BEER and FOOTBALL.
The most unfortunate thing about the Taliban was: First - PAKISTANI connection with ISI, Second - being taught by the Deobandis branch of Islam. However, what was missing from the Taliban movement was the Kunar reality - Manhaj of Salafia. Those ignorant Afghans such as Sufis and others Hanafis who follow their mathhab wrongly will accuse anyone who practise the Sunnah properly of being a Wahhabi; it is a thing of the future as the British invented it in British India.
Readers should not take me as an enemy of the Hanafis but must realize that Abdul-Wahhab (rahimahullah) was the only man who saved the Tawheed and destroyed the shirk acts in Saudi Arabia.
So these Neo-cons and one-day-church worshippers will abandon Afghanistan but before they will do 3 things: One - to build many bases in Afghanistan. Two - get the Afghan natural resources including Helmand's opium drugs under their watchful eye. Three - divide Afghanistan.
So wake up! You don;t need nuclear weapons or money against Thomas Barnett's war titled "Pentagon's New Map". What you really need is Tawheed, Manhaj of the Salaf and last but not least - the patience and trust in Allah the Most High
Now it's 2021 and 12 years since this article. Alhamdulillah Nato and the coalition have announced their tactical retreat.
May Allah make it a means for Muslims to flourish within Afghanistan and open up the doors for many Muhajireen.
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