Assalaamu Alaykum,
To the non-Muslims - peace be upon those who follow righteous guidance,
The pope was having a go at materialism and the evils of all this greed coming from the West recently whilst visiting Africa.
for those who missed it here is the story from the BBC...
BBC, Pope's visit to Africa
Now lets face it, the guy is right. Western Material is toxic spiritual rubbish. Couldn't agree more with the Pope on that one.
But in case you missed it, here is how Popey boy dressed when delivering the sermon...
Now call me a cynic here, but isn't he a little over dressed for delivering this message?
I mean, shouldn't he be a little more humble and maybe have worn something with a little less Gold thread in it?
Isn't the gold throne and gold crosses he is surrounded by a little OTT, and how seriously are we supposed to take his message of not abandoning a simple spiritual life for the materialism of the West when the man lives in this!
This place is huge! you could house half of Africa in there. I mean look at the size of the place? You can perhaps understand how the Pope is a little out of touch with reality and the true simple humble life led by the prophet Jesus Christ (upon him be peace) when the closest he gets to real people is waving from his balcony.
Look here's a picture of him waving...
Waving to all the people who have come to Worship him, this is truly sick. "Hello, come kiss my holy but you idiots, give me all your money!"
I mean as Muslims we are told by Allah in the Quran,
Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. Quran (5:82)
But this man is so far from even this level, he is on some next level of arrogance, above even the kings and presidents of the world. Where is the simple humble lifestyle of the prophets? Gone, instead we have Papal palaces and Papal thrones.
Here is the man's chair...
Quite big isn't it? Lets face it, that is one big chair. When the Christians envisage JC sitting down with his companions, do they really think he was sitting in anything like this?
No. Of-course not, but still people follow him and his corrupted faith.
And by the way, this picture of the Papal throne really doesn't do it any justice what-so-ever. You need to zoom out a little to see the full effect and the full pomp of this ridiculous setup...
And the man who sits on THAT chair has the cheek to talk to anybody about anything to do with morality, to tell people not to be materialistic.
You know someone living in a gold plated, marble home with stained glass windows really shouldn't be throwing stones.
This man is so far misguided, so far removed from the true simple teachings of the prophets such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus Christ and Muhammad (peace be upon them all and all the other prophets also).
But yet people listen to him, take him as their spiritual teacher. We all see the Hindu guy selling charms as a Charlatan but give a man a gold throne and all of a sudden he is believable, I mean if he and his predecessors ripped off so many people in the past then he cant be a fraud can he?
I am sure other Christians reading this are sitting there all smug, but heay here is a picture of the residence of the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. He isn't doing too badly out of the old simple God fearing man business is he?
Here is one of the many mansions built by the TV Evangelists in the US on the money of Christians who are told to buy their promotional materials 'and support the Lord's work!'
At least they get to marry into the bargain as well, the poor Pope gets all that cash but because of modern media he doesn't get to spend so much of it on women of ill-repute as his predecessors.
If that comment upset some catholics reading this, well this turn this off before you read the next comment... Check the link.
Bastard Pope Family History
That's right, not only did Popes have many mistresses and affairs but they also rigged the elections and got their bastard sons into the seat after them.
And yet the present occupant of the chair, lectures to the world on the need to follow a simple religious life, free of materialism whilst at the same time surrounded by Gold leaf, Silk Marble and hundreds of servants and sycophants.
Why do people trust this man when he is so obviously insincere in his character, which he shows to the world through his actions?
God / Allah says in his final revealed scripture to mankind, the Quran.
And with those who say, We are Christians, We made a covenant, but they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of, therefore We excited among them enmity and hatred to the day of resurrection; and Allah will inform them of what they did.
O followers of the Book! indeed Our Messenger has come to you making clear to you much of what you concealed of the Book and passing over much; indeed, there has come to you light and a clear Book from Allah;
With it Allah guides him who will follow His pleasure into the ways of safety and brings them out of utter darkness into light by His will and guides them to the right path.
Quran (5:14-16)
The Christians therefore reading this, being disgusted at the behaviour of their leaders should go instead look at the example of the Muslims.
Go to any village in England, any village and the first or second biggest house will be the vicarage. Even today the vicar gets a sweet deal, in this life at least (his next will be much more unpleasant).
But go to a Muslim village or community, the man usually with the most simple home is the village Imam as we don't put money before piety and we certainly don't 'sell God' and expect to get rich in this life on the proceeds, the only time an Imam is rich is if he has earned his money otherwise.
I am not trying to say Muslims are perfect but compare such examples to your Popes, your Arch-Bishops, your Millionaire Evangelicals?
Who is closer to God's true message and teachings as given to us through the example of the prophet's? the Christians or the Muslims?
Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah
Hijrah for Muslim Women without Mahram
11 years ago
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