Friday 30 October 2009

TESOL so far...

Assalaamu Alaykum brothers and sisters,

I am continuing in my journey towards Hijrah alhamdulillah, with a few stumbles along the way but still I am satisfied with the speed I am getting things done with only my Arabic studies lacking at the moment.

I thought I'd give people an update on the CELTA TESOL course I am doing and my thoughts so far.

TESOL is a course for teaching non-English speakers English when they have some basic knowledge of English already.

It is an extremely well thought of qualification if you want to get into English teaching overseas (one way of supporting yourself once you have made hirjah) and the CELTA one is amongst the very best of TESOL qualifications.

Next week will be week 7 of the course and it will be the first time I am going to be teaching real students, so before Tuesday I must prepare a lesson plan and make myself ready to face the class who are a mixture of Saudi, Indian, Chinese, Italian and Iranian students.

Before this week we have covered the basics of how to prepare for lessons, the use of classroom resources and some basic grammar rules we must be able to teach.

I am finding most of the stuff I know already, I just didn't know all the names, rules etc but it just came naturally to someone who reads a lot alhamulillah.

I would recommend the TESOL course to anyone wishing to make Hijrah without qualifications or degrees, it is difficult and challenging but Inshallah it will all be worth it in the end.

More updates coming next week on my first lesson...

Assalaamu Alaykum,
Abu Abdillah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Assalam Alaikum br,

I just found your blog the other day masha Allah, am happy I did. I read on a few of your posting that you are try to learn Arabic. Well there is a good web site call and you can download rosetta stone for free. It's a great program for learning Arabic. You may of already heard of, or you may be using rosetta stone.

Whoever has taqwa of Allah(swt) he will provide a way out from places he didn't expect.